




"Our young scientists follow a scheme of work specially designed to spark curiosity in Science, whilst gradually building on their numeracy, literacy and enquiry skills, all of which are vital for success in the subject.

In Key Stage 3, students explore 10 ‘Big Ideas’ in Science, including Forces, Energy, Organisms, Ecosystems, Matter and Reactions. Each of these topics will challenge and engage the students, as well as develop their understanding of how scientific inquiry works. We also place a great emphasis on developing our students' practical skills, allowing them time to explore an array of apparatus and techniques. Enquiry skills and processes are revisited throughout the Science curriculum as we believe the disciplinary knowledge (carrying out practical procedures, collecting and analysing data) is as vital to success in Science as learning the substantive knowledge (the keywords and the facts).

The delivery of the Key Stage 4/ GCSE curriculum starts with our Year 9 cohort. At the end of Year 9, students have the choice to study either the AQA Trilogy Science course (which awards 2 GCSE qualifications) or separate Triple Science course (which awards 3 GCSE qualifications). The GCSE Science curriculum is compulsory and covers all areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The breadth and depth of the GCSE curriculum not only revisits and builds upon the foundations learnt in earlier years but also introduces many new, fascinating and trending topics. This broad and ambitious curriculum bridges many gaps between GCSE Science and post-16 study.

Our expectations

AT Key Stage 3 and 4, learning is supported through frequent experiments and investigations in lessons, regular homework to consolidate the key skills and knowledge learned as well as half term and end of year assessments.

We expect all students to fully participate in the variety of activities delivered with a specific focus on Health and Safety. Homework must be completed to the highest standard and in a timely manner. Students will be given ample notice of their assessments, both in class and on Google Classroom, as such we expect students to begin their revision and preparations for these as early as possible. Students must be equipped for all Science lessons with their usual stationary and a scientific calculator."


Term Year 7 Year 8

Autumn term 1





Autumn term 2









Spring term 1





Spring term 2






Summer term 1









Summer term 2











Between the start of Year 9 until the end of Year 11, all students will be learning the topics listed below. The topics in italics are taught to Triple Science students only.

Biology topics Chemistry topics Physics topics
Cell biology

Atomic Structure and

the Periodic Table

Particle model of

Matter and radioactivity

Organisation Bonding and structure Energy
Infection and response

Energy changes and


Forces and their


Bioenergetics Chemical changes Electricity
Ecology Quantitative changes Forces and motion
Homeostasis and response

Chemistry of the Earth’s

atmosphere and using resources


Inheritance, variation

and evolution

Chemical analysis

and rates of reaction

Electricity to our homes

and Electromagnetism

  Organic Chemistry Space

GCSE Results 2022

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving:

  • Biology - 94% 9-4
  • Chemistry - 97% 9-4
  • Physics - 97% 9-4
  • Combined Science - Double Award - 45%

GCSE Results 2023

Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving:

  • Biology - 90.3% 9-4
  • Chemistry - 93.3% 9-4
  • Physics - 93.5% 9-4
  • Combined Science - Double Award - 83.1%

Extra Curricular

Mad Science

Young scientists will also have the opportunity to attend the ‘Mad Science’ club where our students can enjoy carrying out exciting experiments!

Students will also have the opportunity to attend excursions which will enable them to develop their knowledge and further explore big ideas in Science. Trips that took place in the last academic year included a visit to the ‘Wonderlab’ at the Science Museum and students also visited London Zoo and attended an educational workshop.

Science Week

We also celebrate British Science Week each year ensuring our students take part in many exciting science events to display our students’ exceptional science abilities and skills and creativity! Check out some of the amazing science themed cakes that our students produced!


This club is open to all and is designed to support students with their Science classwork, homework and revision. Students with a specific interest in Science are encouraged to come along to discuss and debate recent scientific breakthroughs with Science teachers and their peers.


Useful Links

Websites to help you in your studies in Science

Future Career

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Research
  • Forensics
  • Teaching/lecturing
  • Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Sport science
  • Physiotherapy
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Science
  • Astronaut/ Aeronautical Science