

Parents are required to report their child’s absence by leaving a message on the school absence line by telephoning the main school number – 01708 440304 and selecting option 1 ‘to report your child’s absence’ by 9.00 am on each and every day of absence.

In addition to daily phone messages, all absences must be followed up by a letter from parent/carer to the Attendance Officer, on the child’s return to school to confirm the reason for absence.

Medical Evidence

Absences of five consecutive days or more or where patterns of absence have emerged must be supported by medical evidence e.g. GP letter/appointment card/slip; copy of prescription; prescription medication packaging. Failure to provide medical evidence may result in a referral to the Education Welfare Officer for the school.

Medical appointments

The school encourages parents to make medical appointments including dental, GP, hospital appointments, where possible, out of school hours. Where this is not possible, students should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment and ensure that they return to school after.

Students should always return to school immediately after their appointment unless they are unwell or in pain from treatment, in which case parents are required to leave a message on the absence line as soon as possible after the appointment to explain the reason for non-return to school as well as sending in a letter addressed to the Attendance Officer, on the child’s return.

Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is counted as an authorised absence as long as it is supported by an appointment card/letter. However, students should always attend morning registration first where possible and then sign out for their appointment unless there is insufficient time to do so.

If your child needs to leave school during the school day to attend a medical appointment, please ensure that he/she brings a letter from you stating what time you wish your child to leave school together with the appointment card/slip/letter which should state the time and venue of the appointment.

Leave of absence

All requests for Leave of Absence, including attending auditions, peripatetic music exams, sporting activities/competitions, family funerals etc, should be addressed to the Head Teacher and submitted in advance via the Attendance Officer. All requests must be accompanied by written evidence to support the request. Please ensure that the letter of request states the time of the event as well as the time you are requesting your child to leave school if appropriate as well as the venue/place of the event if appropriate.

Holidays during term time will not be authorised unless there are the most exceptional of circumstances to consider and if taken parents will receive a penalty notice fine issued by Havering Local Authority.

Please note that penalty notice fines are issued to each parent and for each child.

Bad Weather and Academy Closure Information

The school will only close to students in exceptional circumstances. Should there be a need to close the school to individual year groups or all students, the information will be posted on the school website home page and an in touch message will be sent via text message and email to all parents and carers as soon as the decision has been made.

Please ensure the school office is informed if mobile numbers or email addresses change.