Year 11
‘By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail’
Our Year 11 students have now reached the most vital stage of their academic careers so far and it gives me great pleasure to be their Achievement Team Leader (ATL) to support and guide them on their journey to outstanding results and opportunities. I expect students to continue their focus towards their studies with maturity, high aspirations and commitment.
Year 11 is one of the most exciting, challenging and important times in your child’s education. This year the students will continue in their journey to achieving GCSE qualifications that will act as a passport to success for the rest of their lives. The high standards of behaviour and conduct, expected from all students at Abbs Cross, continue in Year 11. We expect Year 11 pupils to continue to follow the school Code of Conduct and ‘be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.’ Students’ behaviour and attitudes should reflect the importance of this academic year and should include outstanding attendance and punctuality, engagement in lessons, enthusiasm for learning and a keenness to improve. Year 11 students will also require some resilience – lessons will be challenging and will push students to reach their full potential. Students must learn that they will not always master and understand things first time. They will make mistakes; it’s learning from these mistakes which will help them achieve their full potential. GCSE pupils will be expected to extend their learning at home, particularly with practice exam questions and papers, and we thank parents for their support and encouragement with this. This can be done in various ways such as:
- Encourage your child to complete coursework on time
- Check he/she is doing her homework and sign planner on a weekly basis
- Make sure he/she is at school every day and on time
- Ensure the balance of work and socialising is right
- If your child is struggling in any way- let us know straight away by contacting Mrs L White (ATL) and Ms L Branton (YCT).
- Encourage your child to attend all revision/intervention and study support sessions which will be held on a weekly basis in school.
The behaviour, achievement and progress of the year group are closely monitored and reinforced by myself all staff at Abbs Cross. Students who display outstanding work and effort are rewarded with good SIMs entries, public acknowledgment, weekly assembly awards, positive phone calls and curriculum linked visits. Sanctions are used when students do not meet our high standards and parents are asked to support us in the application of these sanctions. Students are encouraged to have a say in the life of the school: each tutor group will act as representatives to the year council meetings and two selected students take part in Student Council meetings to discuss various aspects of school life.
Form groups will change at the start of Year 11, and for some pupils during the academic year too, to allow additional time for English, Maths and Science interventions where we feel the students will benefit from with the upcoming exams at the end of this academic calendar. This forms part of our intervention programme to ensure pupils have the best possible opportunity to succeed in these crucial examinations. The linear assessment schedule for GCSEs means the majority of their exams will take place in May/June of 2023. This means it is all the more important that students remain diligent and committed throughout this year. Students must make sure that their books and notes are neat and looked after so that they have them ready to use for revision.
The vision of the Year 11 team is to encourage all students to fulfil their potential with the full support of the year team and their parents. A positive relationship with home is essential if the students are to achieve this. Success does not happen by working in isolation – we all need to help and support the most important person, which of course is the student. Parents’ attendance and engagement in information events such as Parents’ Evenings is vital to ensure that we are all aware of any issues or concerns surrounding each student. Parents may also be invited in for meetings with subject teachers or members of our Leadership Team to discuss their child’s progress and how best we can support them to achieve their full potential. We thank you in advance for your attendance and support with this.
After school and during the school holidays, students will be required to attend revision classes leading up to their GCSE examinations. We will continue to push our students to make outstanding progress and urge our Year 11 students to continue to aim high and achieve their full potential.
Thank you in anticipation of your continued support and I look forward to an extremely successful year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the school.
Mrs L White
Y11 Achievement Team Leader