
Year 9

‘Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.’

Year 9 is an important year for all students at Abbs Cross Academy. It is the year where student’s transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 and students will be required to make difficult decisions about their GCSE options. The focus this year is to continue to develop student’s maturity and to make sure that students are consistent in their approach to their studies to ensure success.

The achievement and progress of Year 9 will be continually monitored and evaluated by Mr Scaysbrook, the Achievement Team Leader (ATL). Miss St.Croix is our KS3 Year Care Team (YCT) and will assist with the progression of our students by focussing on their wellbeing, addressing any inadequate behaviour and lateness, with particular focus on embedded excellent work habits to prepare for GCSE's the following year. 

Choosing your options can be a daunting prospect for students and we understand that every student will need guidance throughout the options process to make the right decisions. As the Year 9 Achievement Team Leader, I will be working closely with the year group to ensure they understand the process and act as a guide to advise them where possible.  There will be several events this year for students, parents and careers that relate to Year 9 and the option process. These events are an opportunity to discuss option choices with teaching staff, and to gain a better understanding of the requirements for each subject. With your full support, these events will ensure that students are making smart decisions based on their ability level and are confident with their option choices.

To achieve success, we always insist on the highest standards of work and behaviour. To ensure that students are prepared for Key Stage 4 and are able to work independently, homework will be set on a regular basis and is expected to be completed in a well-presented manner and on time.  Homework must be written into their homework diary, which we ask parents to check and sign weekly. We expect Year 9 students to be well equipped for every lesson by having their planner, relevant books/ kit and pens and pencils with them. Reading is also seen as an essential part of students' learning and of our curriculum, therefore students will need to have an age-appropriate reading book with them every day.

We need to encourage students to be consistent in their approach to their studies, and that consistency starts with making sure that students are prepared. Close attention will be paid to the student's uniform, making sure they have the correct equipment and to attendance and punctuality. We are very clear that students must always take responsibility for their actions and therefore sanctions are in place when students fail to do the right thing. We ask that parents work with us to support our students when these standards are not met.

We are keen to celebrate student achievements throughout the year at every opportunity. Our rewards system ensures that students who display outstanding work and effort are recognised. Rewards and certificates will be awarded on a regular basis in assembly and during form time and students are able to earn places on extracurricular trips for their positive attitude to learning.

It is essential that we continue to build a strong relationship between home and school as this is a proven formula in helping students to achieve their best. I look forward to working alongside you this year to ensure students' success and would like to thank you in advance for your continued support.

Mr B Scaysbrook

Achievement Team Leader